Cayenne on andriod mobile phone

I have been trying to get cayenne to work on my android mobile phone (OPPO r11s). I have reviewed the video library and can only find ‘Setting up Cayenne with IOS mobile app’. Other videos show how to add devices to Raspberry Pi units. Is there an APP to run Cayenne on an android mobile? I have installed the app and when I open I just get a screen at the top bar are some lines looking like a E with no vertical interconnection, the word ‘Devices’ and a + sign on the right. Then in the middle of the screed ‘No devices added’ with a +ADD button. When I hit the +ADD the various Adruino devices ate displayey, then when I click on the Arduino and NEXT screen it comes up with MQTT, PASSWORD and CLIENT ID numbers that don’t make sense. The numbers including the ID is not what is in my Arduino, HELP?

you need to add this MQTT credentials into the code and upload it into the arduino you are using. then the device will be added to the app.

Thank you.
This works on the mobile but then I cant view on laptop.
Is there a way of seeing the one Arduino on the mobile and laptop?
Regards, Peter

you have to use the same account on the laptop.