Connecting to - Error, keeps spamming Serial Monitor and device is Offline

Arduino Uno with W5100 ethernet shield

Dashboard - Web

My device appears in myDevices, but it appears as offline.
And if I check the serial monitor on Arduino IDE this appears

“[0] Using static IP
[1300] My IP:
[5001] Connecting to

I’ve read on other posts that the port might be blocked if you are in a work network, but Im in a local network so I dont know why this happens.

No solutions have been found for this so far.

Thanks in advance, Volkun

after connecting Ethernet and uploading code, go to serial monitor of arduino IDE to check status and share screenshoot here if problem still persists

This is what appears with debug mode on, on the serial monitor

[0] Using static IP
[1300] My IP:
[5001] state 0, tconn 0
[5001] Connecting to
[6833] Connect failure
[10002] state 0, tconn 0
[10002] Connecting to
[11837] Connect failure
[15003] state 0, tconn 0
[15003] Connecting to
[16837] Connect failure
[20004] state 0, tconn 0
[20004] Connecting to
[21839] Connect failure
[25005] Connecting to
[26828] Connect failure
[26829] state 0, tconn 0
[30006] Connecting to

Hi again Volkun, just making this response here since I responded to you with the same in a different thread. It’s just a step back so we can see if a more capable device like a desktop/laptop can communicate with our server from your network, to help determine if it is the network or the Arduino itself acting up.

If it is running OS X or Linux, you can run

telnet 8442

on your command line.

If things are working, it will disconnect you right away, but you’ll get a message like “Connected to” first.

If you’re running Windows, you can download PuTTY: Download PuTTY: latest release (0.77) to make the same test. You’d be looking for these settings:

Once you click ‘Open’ there, if you get a popup with ‘Connection closed by remote host’, then your computer is able to communicate with on port 8442. If you get a blank black window and no popup message, you’re blocked for some local reason that we can continue to help you figure out.

Hi there, I tried these steps and received ‘Connection closed by remote host’, meaning that I can connect; nonetheless, Im still getting the serial output ‘Connecting to’ over and over again. what would be the next step?

Can you post the full output? Maybe your Arduino is not getting an IP address or is not valid?

Did you solved the issue?
I’m having the same problem and I did the same test receiving the popup with “Connection closed by remote host”.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance