I’m very excited about the myDevices Cayenne app and forum!
Nevertheless, the current possibilities within the app are too little extended to be able to switch over my home automatisation on RPi’s. Still I’m very pleased with what has been realised so far.
Through this I want to bring up another idea/suggestion;
As there could be a “light” widget in a future release, I was wondering if a “curtain/screen” widget can also be put on the roadmap?
At this moment, 9 curtain motor systems (large windows) are implemented at my house. The back side of our house is oriented to the south. In summer time, it’s really necessary to close the curtains in order to keep the temperature under controle in our home.
I want automate this process by using data from a temperature and luminosity sensor, and even when available in the future realtime weather forecast data, to control the curtains.
The widget can be presented as two buttons (up & down) with a “favourite” button in the middle. The favourite button can be use to setup the curtain in a favourite height.
In addition, ofcourse it would be great to combine a couple of “curtain” widget’s into one, in order to control the different curtains as one group. For example “all down”.
When the up or down button on the widget is pressed, keep an output high for a certain time that can be filled in/choosen (possibility to enter milliseconds, see later).
The time is depending on the speed of the motor and the lenght (height) of the curtain. Once the curtain has passed an upper or a lower limit switch, the motor voltage will drop, even if the voltage is still available on the steering side.
Because feedback from the limit switches is not available, I propose to keep the direction (up or down) highlighted in a certain way. In that prospective, it is possible to check (if you are not home) in which position the curtain is.
In order not damaging the motor when changing from up to down (or vice versa) a waiting time of 500ms is needed to make the transition.
So if the curtain is going up, and the down button is pushed, a time of 500ms is needed with no voltage on one of the direction wires, before putting a voltage on the down direction wire.
Last but not least, in addition to following proposal about “light mood” possibilities;
it would be great to have a same setup but then a “curtain mood” instead.
It’s a lot to read, but I try to give as much information and details as possible to fulfill the needs.