Daily graph

Hello every body
i have problem with Daily graph
Daily graph dont Show 24 past hours
For exampe in This picture Current Time is 23:58 and Daily graph Show from 4:30AM to 14:20PM.
Tanx regard

looking at the graph, i can tell you that you send data at very quick interval. send it within the limit Sending MQTT messages within rate limits and the graph shows only data available for the particuler period in averaged

This is an old problem - the daily graph shows about 8 hours from 24 hours ago to 16 hours ago.

Here is a HHMM clock which should run 0 to 2359, and return to it’s starting place over a day.

You can use the web browser to access the website graphs, which are good.

will take a note of this issue.

Indeed I have already mentioned this problem in another topic. Before I open a topic again, I immediately ask whether this problem will be tackled again. This problem is only addressed in the MOBILE APP. And then only in the DAY chart On the website everything is running fine. But this is in the programming of the APP. I hope that maybe an update will come out. But that everything else will continue to work as it is now. Because I’m pretty happy with it! There are more minor errors in the APP. Even if a 2nd mobilePhone or email is added with 1 trigger, this is not visible in the APP. Is this still being picked up, or do you have the Source so that we can improve the app?

we are aware of the issue but as you mentioned it is not blocking the use of the app. we have another commerical platform which takes care of all this Work with Us - myDevices