Do I need to update Raspbian on my RPi?


Tried to run ‘sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade’ today on my RPi, but I did get back a lot of messages about errors and failures concerning fetching updates.

Isn’t it possible to run these commands when I’ve installed Cayenne? I think I’ve done it before and then it was no problem.

Should I try once more or isn’t it possible to perform an Raspbian update any more?

Best regards,


You will still be able to run those commands without problem. What errors are you getting?


My problem is solved: it was a bad wifi connection that affected the
update! Sorry!

An other question: is it possible to use the RPi for other purposes eg.
install a RPi camera?

What are your comments to that? Does this affect the Cayenne installation?

Best regards,

You can do that as well. Support for the camera in Cayenne is coming soon but currently not possible.