Fahrenheit still visible in android app graph

Device & model you are using: Pi 2 Model B

What dashboard are you using: Web, Android

Please describe the bug / issue as detailed as possible. Attaching the code and any relevant screenshots would be very helpful:

Hello all, im new here, I would like to use Cayenne for my balcony irrigation project. From start i need to test the heat of rpi cpu temperature in my waterproof case, when it will be directly on the sunlight.

In the android application I can click on the cpu temp icon:

I changed the value from Fahrenheit to Celsius. But when i open the icon, the graph is in F:

so my question is, it is possible to view the values in this graph in Celsius?

please is possible to view this graph also in Web interface? It would be nice to have this option also in web interface.

Thanks for your support.

This seems like a bug. I will test with mine and report shortly!

HI @Mio, welcome to the Cayenne Community!

This is indeed a bug with the Android app. That CPU Temp Graph doesn’t respect changes to C (or K). I’m sure it will be fixed relatively soon. The bug is limited to Android, the iOS graph doesn’t have this particular issue.

There is a CPU Temp widget on the web dashboard, but right now it does not store graph history. I don’t see any technical reason why we couldn’t offer it as it is just a temperature widget, I’ll get that logged to bring feature parity to the web.

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hi all,

thanks for quick reply, so i hope it will be possible to put the cpu temp graph also to web interface.

also pls where can i find update about this issue?

When we make Bug Fixes and Improvments, they’ll always be posted to this Category: Cayenne Release Notes - myDevices Cayenne Community

Generally I try to come through and update any old threads referencing them once the fix is live, so I’ll try to remember to do that here as well.

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Hello all, the issue still remain after the last update