Hello all,
I change my SD card on my RPi. I instal a new cayenne& i was wondering if there is any way to keep may old dashboard…???
My new dashboard still offline.
I did the folowing steps:
1.replaced the SD card with new one (restored from backup with cayenne (old invite code)
2.changed invite code in /etc/myDevices/AppSettings.ini with new one
3.restarted RPi
Dashboard still offline. What am i missing out???
replacing the invite code won’t work.
i was also try to install new cayenne with:
wget https://cayenne.mydevices.com/dl/rpi_xxxxxxxxxx.sh
sudo bash rpi_xxxxxxxxxx.sh -v
& replace x with my invite code…
Dashboard still offline…hmmm…???
check the logs and share it here.
tail -f /var/log/myDevices/cayenne.log
sudo service myDevices restart
tail -f /var/log/myDevices/cayenne.log
the logs show no error. Not sure what is wrong here.
i could suggest adding a new device and try again.
You meen try again with:
1.adding a new device
2.wget https://cayenne.mydevices.com/dl/rpi_xxxxxxxxxx.sh
3.sudo bash rpi_xxxxxxxxxx.sh -v
Unistall and delete old cayenne from the pi.
sudo /etc/myDevices/uninstall/uninstall.sh
Create a new device on the cayenne dashboard, get the invite code and install it on the pi.
Do you mean Invate code from my existing cayenne instalation???
new invite code from the cayenne dashboard that you will get after adding a new device.
You cant use old device invite code/
Sory i am bit confuzed right naw. How can i keep my old dashboard if i use new invite code… Could you please give me step by step instructions.
i already mentioned that replacing the code wont work and you cannot keep your old dashboard. You will have to create a new device.