February 19, 2017, 11:11pm
Hi @EricHarden ,
Cayenne team loves to hear this. Stick around, we are developing some very cool features for you and the rest of the Cayenne community.
You’ve definitely come to the right place for this project. Please keep us updated with your progress and ask for help if you need it. If you haven’t already seen these projects, here are some smart aquarium projects that you might also find interesting. .
About This Project
I am a big aquarist and loved spending time creating my freshwater aquariums. My latest aquarium is a 160l planted tank which requires it’s fair share of routine maintenance. Imagine a swimming pool, just times that by ten! I have been looking into automation of my tank for a few months now and I have now invested in my first Raspberry Pi and hooked it up to Cayenne. The world is now my oyster.
The first phase will be to only turn the filters and lights on/off and monitor th…
I built a Pi2 powered aquarium system to monitor temperatures and control lighting. Python scripts and crontab scheduling read the water and ambient temperatures, sending an email notification via IFFT if the readings were out of range. The data was recorded in a MySQL database. This was accessed using a PHP web page on an Apache server. The PHP called a Python script to read the data from the database, graphing the output through a Google API.
Having discovered Cayenne this morning, I migrate…
About This Project
Hi Love Aquariums, I Have i 200 L Aquarium inside i wall in my Apartment. I have been looking into automation of my tank for a few months now and I have now invested in my first Raspberry Pi and hooked it up to Cayenne.
The first phase will be to only turn on/off lights on/off, turn on/off the Fish Feeder and monitor the tank temperature via Cayenne.
The second phase is to connect monitor the quality of the water, PH, KH, etc.
What’s Connected
1 Raspberry PI
1 DS18B20