Unable to install on raspberry pi 3

Hi, I’ve a raspberry pi 3 and i’ve always an error: Setup requires at least 200Mb for install

This is my df:

File system 1K-blocchi Usati Disponib. Uso% Montato su
udev 10240 0 10240 0% /dev
tmpfs 176556 5036 171520 3% /run
/dev/sda1 103081248 6957620 90864364 8% /
tmpfs 441384 105024 336360 24% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 441384 0 441384 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1 64456 27776 36680 44% /boot
/dev/sdb1 720944296 625481260 58818072 92% /media/pi/FilmHDD
/dev/sda2 137020684 228124 129809180 1% /media/pi/Dati
tmpfs 88280 0 88280 0% /run/user/1000
/dev/mmcblk0p2 14760004 3817616 10288172 28% /media/pi/2f840c69-cecb-4b10-87e4-01b9d28c231c

Can you help me to install on Rpi3?

Looks like you have plenty of space on the Pi, so that’s odd. I’m guessing it is the mobile app that displayed this error?

Since you already seem comfortable on the command line, let’s try a command line install. To do this:

  1. Log into your web dashboard and click the Raspberry Pi tile.

  2. Follow the on screen instructions until you get to ‘step 3: Connect your Raspberry Pi’, then scroll to Option 2 where it will give you commands to install which are customized to your account.

  3. Run both commands via SSH (or directly typing/pasting them into the Pi’s command prompt)

That’s it. If the install finishes OK, it will reboot your Pi at the end of installation and then you’ll see it appear on your Cayenne Dashboard.

Let me know if you have questions or get stuck along the way!

I’ve followed your instruction and this is the result:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo bash rpi_0cab6q7ly7.sh -v
continuing as new install…
–2017-03-17 00:01:47-- http://updates.mydevices.com/raspberry/myDevices-1.0.tar.gz
Risoluzione di updates.mydevices.com (updates.mydevices.com)…
Connessione a updates.mydevices.com (updates.mydevices.com)||:80… connesso.
Richiesta HTTP inviata, in attesa di risposta… 200 OK
Lunghezza: 9234417 (8,8M) [application/x-gzip]
Salvataggio in: “/home/pi/myDevices-1.0.tar.gz”

/home/pi/myDevices-1.0 100%[=============================>] 8,81M 2,53MB/s in 3,5s

2017-03-17 00:01:51 (2,53 MB/s) - “/home/pi/myDevices-1.0.tar.gz” salvato [9234417/9234417]


  • set -x
  • exec
    ven 17 mar 2017, 00.01.51, CET Installing myDevices agent
    ven 17 mar 2017, 00.01.52, CET Installing myDevices agent
    Setup requires at least 200Mb for install

These are the line:

availableSize=df -k | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'
if [ $availableSize -lt 200000 ]; then

With my df, availableSize is 10240 :frowning:

Can you post your output from df -h /home/pi ? I wonder if that directory is on some partition that really doesn’t have any disk space

pi@raspberrypi:~/myDevices-1.0 $ df -h /home/pi
File system Dim. Usati Dispon. Uso% Montato su
/dev/sdb1 99G 6,7G 87G 8% /

I’m sorry, I guess while that is where you downloaded the installer, we’re actually installing to /etc I believe. Can we see the stats on that? df -h /etc

pi@raspberrypi:/etc $ df -h /etc
File system Dim. Usati Dispon. Uso% Montato su
/dev/sdb1 99G 6,7G 87G 8% /

Ok, I think you had it above. I’m guessing if you run that command once more for dev, you’ll get a very small amount of space remaining?

I’m not familiar with the parition scheme here… what also is the output from cat/etc/os-release ?

actually I don’t think /dev matters, sorry. But I am still interested in cat/etc/os-release. Is this a custom install of Raspbian? The partitioning seems much different than the Pis I’m used to.

pi@raspberrypi:/etc $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)”
NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux”
VERSION=“8 (jessie)”
SUPPORT_URL=“RaspbianForums - Raspbian
BUG_REPORT_URL=“RaspbianBugs - Raspbian

The boot start from HDD and not from SD card.

Ok, I think I’ve figured this out, and have a solution.

Our script is blindly grabbing the 2nd line of the df -k output to check for disk space. This works on a default Pi with no additional drives, but falls on its face here. Needs improvment! :slight_smile:

To fix it, let’s make the script check /dev/sda1 instead:

In the folder where you found setup.sh, run
sudo nano setup.sh
to edit it. Locate the line which you showed me:

availableSize=df -k | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'

and change the 2 to a 4. This will make it read the 4th (and correct) line of your df output. Save your changes.

Next, to run the script that we edited, we need your Pi invite code. You can find this as the part after the underscore on your downloaded install script. So if you have file rpi_q6k588d6wb.sh then your invite code is q6k588d6wb

Finally, browse back to the folder that contained setup.sh that we edited. Run it again with the following command: sudo ./setup.sh -code YOURINVITECODE -v where you replace YOURINVITECODE with your actual invite code.

That should kick off the rest of the install which should work automatically. Apologies for the trouble, we need to update this install script to be more robust for multiple drive cases like yours!

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you just change the line:

availableSize=df -k | head -2 | tail -1 | awk ‘{print $4}’,


availableSize=df -k / | head -2 | tail -1 | awk ‘{print $4}’,

Ok now it’s ok. Thanks so much

Awesome job, @rob!



Hah thanks, I sure had to fumble through it with a lot of unnecessary questions :slight_smile:

Glad to hear its working @gattulli! you know where to find us if you have another question.