Adding/Removing a device


my problem is:

Previously, I removed a device from Cayenne. Now I want to add it again using the same DevEUI.

However, this produces a conflict at "Add device".

Please help me reset my account. I want to start from scratch, but first, I have to remove my account. However, when I try to remove my account, this message appears:

"We failed to delete your account and related data, retry later, if the problem persists please contact us."

Have it tried many times, problem persists.

What to do?

Kind regards

can you direct message me your email_id

can you provide more detail on what is the issue you are facing?


I tried it again and it worked.
I added my device using the DevEUI.

However, the data visible on the ThingsPark wireless logger is not shown.
I followed your instructions on

carefully, but to no success.

Could you advice?

Kind regards

can you personal message me your DevEUI so that i can check whether we are receiving the correct payload.

yes, thank you for your help! How do I DM you?

Hello, I have exactly the same problem.
Does it just fix overtime ?

@charlot.servan you need to be more specific about the bug so we can help you out,

Previously, I removed a device from Cayenne.
Now I want to add it again using the same DevEUI. (Add device > LoRa > TheThingsNetwork > Microchip LoRa ExpLoRer, by SODAQ)

However, this produces a conflict with the following error message:
Please fix the following errors:

Iā€™ve read the it might be because this device with this DevEUI is already used somewhere. It is not because I could add it before, and my guess is that when I deleted it, your database somehow didnā€™t notice.
So I tried to remove my account in order to delete every data concerning my profile (User Menu > Remove account), but I have the following error:
We failed to delete your account and related data, retry later, if the problem persists please contact us.

Hi @Kevin.Krenosz @charlot.servan,

When you remove a LoRa device, and you try to add again, it may show up a ā€œconflictā€ error, specially if you are adding it to a different account. This is due to how cache works on our backend, and it make take up to an hour until you can add the device again. However, it usually takes about 15 mins, and almost immediately if you are adding on same account.

As for ā€œremove accountā€ feature, it got broken in a last update, but it should be restored by tomorrow morning.

Also, data/widgets for those devices may show missing up until the next payload, then it will restore widgets for the data sent by that payload.

Thanks for the explanation @acedeno.
I can confirm that the account removal functionality is restored. So I did it and created an account again.
However I still canā€™t add my device (conflict) even if I let the things cool down overnight.


Can you PM me your deveui? I can check the device status. Also, please PM the email account for the old account and for the new one. thanks!

@acedeno Iā€™m having the same issue with a removed sodaq one device, which I like to add again.
shall I send you the deveui in a PM?

Hi @rr1

Were you able to resolve your issue? If you have the physical device with you, and you remove the device, it may take up to 1 hours for you to be able to re-add a LoRa device to your account or a different accountā€¦



Hello has there been a fix for this issue, Iā€™m having trouble adding a device after deleting with conflict message

can you try again. you need to wait atleast an hour after deleting the device.

I have the same problem with one of my devices.
I deleted it and tried to add it again 12h later. Still I get the message:
ā€œPlease fix the following errors: * Conflictā€

Can you give me a hint to solve my problem.

can you private message me the DevEUI and your email id.


I am having the same problem with a LoRa Mote II Device. After deleting the device, i have waited for more than an hour and tried registering it again but still got the same problem of Conflict error. I will direct message you the DeEUI.


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