Bug Filed on 12-04-2015: HTTP(s) on port 8080 is sometimes blocked by enterprise firewalls

Hi all,

I just signed up for the A-Team program and created my developer account. I’m doing this from my enterprise desktop. After successful login, I see an empty page.

The behaviour ist the same for IE and Firefox so it appears to be nothing browser-specific. A brief look at the HTML source code showed that you try to open a HTTP(S) connection using port 8080. It looks to me like this port is blocked.

Retrying this again from my private mobile phone at least showed me the first-visit step-1 page, so it looks to be the reason above.


Hi Andreas,

Thanks for letting us know. I’m going to move this to our Bugs / Issues category so our QA team can look at this, and will be sure to update this thread once resolved.



Would be helpful if you could give us the URL of the empty page you saw when logging in from enterprise desktop.



the called URL after login is:


I still see an empty page.

The suspected call looks to be this one (I deleted all HTML tags):

        script src="https://cayenne-mydevices.vcom.com:8080/socket.io/socket.io.js

Port 8080 is blocked. So it looks like WebSockets via socket.io will cause problems in restricted environments.

  • Andreas

Hi Andreas,
Glad to see you there !
And very nice find :smile:
Thanks !


Hi Andreas,

I think this issue is out of scope for us, since it’s network issue on your enterprise desktop, and it looks like you have no trouble accessing from a private network.

Can you let me know if you think this is in our scope? …moving this to Resolved.

