Did you at any point do a straight unplug of the Pi? We are working on an issue where if the Pi is disconnected from power abruptly it goes into a weird state as you are describing. To fix, you need to do a straight unplug (for the second time) to put it back into correct state.
Reinstall got it connected, but adding relays got a bit strange…
Relay1, added > back to dashboard > Showing no connection on widget
Relay2, added > back to dashboard > Now Relay1 is showing fine, but no icon on Relay2
Relay3, added > stuck on same page with spinning wheel on green bar,
Go back to dashboard manually, double widgets.
Try to add Relay4, same issue as Relay3.
Try to reboot from Commands, nothing.
Reboot via SSH, relays get toggled off, and on.
Back on dashboard. Looks like I’m stuck with the same no connection issue.
Last known status: 11 minutes ago (Dec 11, 2015, 20:50 pm)
Update seems to have fixed the connection issue. Just have to refresh the dashboard every time you reboot the Pi, otherwise the widgets don’t connect/activate.
Another question. When the Pi reboots, it toggles all the gpio’s to low, so all my relays activate
on every reboot. Is there a way to change that to only some or none? Or like, a last known state?
Try editing the widget (cog wheel icon in top right of widget) and “invert logic”…I think what you are talking about is different though. We experience the same thing.
Tried that already, but then the relays don’t toggle. Just get a spinning wheel until I refresh the dashboard,
and then it still remains in the same state. If I change it back, the relays toggle again.
Access after right setup was fine, but it looks like the dashboard still loses connectivity
with the pi after some time.Tried restarting via SSH as well, but made no difference this time.
Then removed from dashboard, and getting this error when I try reinstall