Cayenne disabling my Lora gateway

What browser are you using?

Google chrome Version 83.0.4103.61 on Mac OS

try filtering in the data tab - selecting just one of the options.

Does that work for you

I am Win 10 Pro PC

Google Chrome is up to date

Version 83.0.4103.97 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Only channel 21 selected

Can you try clearing cache and hard reload.

No, I just logged in using Ios and safari and saw all data. When I filtered using the data column to battery, all the data disappears and wont come back when I try and remove the filter.

Same for boththe device tab and the project tab.

can you take your filters off and see all the data again?

i tried all possible way, but cannot reproduce at my end. can you clear your cache.

Yes, clearing my cache for last 24 hrs and a ctl F5 fixes the issue. But as soon as I filter on Data Type it has the same error again.

At least we have a workaround that means I dont have to delete my project and device now.

But there is still some sort of bug.

But i cannot reproduce the bug at my end. So cannot declare it as a bug.

Yes I cleared my cache and did a hard reset and I see all the data now.

But if I filter using Data Type = Battery, the data disappears.

For Mac OS!

I can reproduce it on Windows in Chrome and Safari on ipad.

Clearing cache and hard reset fixes in boh cases.

I also just reproduced it using Microsoft Edge. Will try my Mac shortly.

Okay, i was able to reproduce it at my end. I guess it only for data type filtering. Rest tab dont causes this issue. So try to avoid using data type filtering.

Just reproduced it on my Mac OS X 10.11.6 using Chrome 83.0.4103.97

Clear cache also fixes it here.

Ok, will do - I am guessing you wil now send it throug hto the developers for a look at some stage down the road.

Thanks for your help.

we will have it fixed.

Hallo below find my link

@moser.hanspeter the issue will be fixed.

Hi, as a project it works fine!

Just in the normal operation no data is displayed see picture below, the filter for Data T… cant be reset any more.