I am having a issue when I try to comunicate my Haxiot Arduino Shield that is from LoRa technology
with Cayenne,
the information can not be displayed and I have followed the format of the payload.
The docs say that when I have already registered my Loriot device I will be able to visualize the
gadgets, but that´s no happening, Could somebody help me?
I attach a image .
I apologize for the delay in our response on this issue. I’m tagging our LoRa expert @croczey here who should have a better idea of what troubleshooting steps to try here. And so I can learn from him and help the next person
Very interested to see you get this working @upiitech … we have Haxiot shields that we have connected too! @croczey should be able to do some troubleshooting with you. Keep us updated with your project! and if you could, submit it to our ‘Projects Made with Cayenne’ category. There’s also a worldwide project contest happening in partnership with Arduino, get some LoRa technology submitted to the contest would be spectacular and for sure would be a winning contender!