Hello world - and greetings from Austria!
First, let me apologize for my bad english - it’s been a while since i’ve learned it in school.
Hope you can help me with my problem:
I managed to get the transmitted data from the node to the ttn and decoded the payload.
The sensor is working correctly, and it displays the status “door open” or “door closed”.
But it seems, that this information isn’t transfered to cayenne, due to the fact, that i can’t see
the LSN50V2 when i add this sensor in cayenne. (added the predecessor node LSN50).
It looks like the payload isn’t compiled correctly in the cayenne widgets - likely because it is meant for the LSN50 - not the LSN50V2, right? Can I fix this?
Can anyone help me? Im a total beginner with ttn and cayenne, and what i want to realize is,
that i get a push notification/email when the door sensor is closed.
It would be great if someone could help me - I’ll donate a pint of beer for the solution!
thank you!