Hello guys!
I’ve created a button widget. It’s changing the led statement connected on my raspberry pi. It works fine but when I try to send SMS when button is on, it does not work. Is it because of I’m living in Turkey or something else?
Hello guys!
I’ve created a button widget. It’s changing the led statement connected on my raspberry pi. It works fine but when I try to send SMS when button is on, it does not work. Is it because of I’m living in Turkey or something else?
you need to add the correct country code before your contact number.
I wrote +905XXXXXXXXX is that right?
And also it does not work with my email. I tried 2 different emails.
is your trigger counter incrementing?
so the issue is not with SMS trigger. can you share screenshot of your dashboard and trigger.
button trigger works for me and should work for you too. can you try deleting the button widget and readding the widget and the trigger again.
Nope, it did not work.
can you PM me your email_id and keep your device online for some time. I need to test the trigger from my end on your device.