TTN and Cayenne - No data received

Hi All,

New user so finding my way. I have a Microchip MOTE sending data via a gateway every 5 minutes (via a Robustel gateway) to TTN and data is being received all OK.

I have implemented the mydevice integration but it is just waiting for data - nothing is being shown.

What am I doing wrong?

So I read that was an error with the menu picking the first name on the menu, but now it
it will not let me add the device ID as its cache (I assume) despite me clearing cache browsers, it will not let me add the device!

can you PM me your DevEUI.

Thanks for replying - but overnight it seemed to all come online and data is showing.


Same problem here… My device was working but I changed something and I made a new integration to Cayenne. But now it stops communicating. The data from TTN are for test 2 temperature sensors. But nothing in Cayenne. The DEVEUI is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is the payload: 03670110056700FF000000000000000000000000000000000000
Other devices are working well. What is wrong?

what are this?

I use only a part of the payload for test. Is this causing the problem?.. I will remove it and have a look what happens.

can you check if you have selected TTN while adding the device. It looks like you have selected Actility

Oh, oh, yes you are right! I removed the device and added it with the TTN and all is working well!
Tanks again for your help!